National Young Worker Safety Resource Center

The National Young Worker Safety Resource Center (YWSRC) is a collaborative project of U.C. Berkeley’s Labor Occupational Health Program (LOHP) and the Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) in Massachusetts.

Through LOHP, the YWSRC continues to provide training, technical assistance, and resource materials to state and community groups throughout the country.

Who does the National Young Worker Safety Resource Center serve?

  • State departments of labor, education, and health
  • School- and community-based job readiness and training programs, including:
    • Career Technical Education programs
    • Linked Learning, School-to-Career, Partnership Academy, Work Experience programs
    • Workforce Investment Boards
    • Jobs for America’s Graduates
    • Transition-to-Work programs for youth with disabilities.
  • Employer organizations
  • Other education and employment-related organizations serving youth.

What services does the Center provide?

  • Consultation and referrals for staff in state departments of education, labor, health, and workforce development, and other organizations that want to integrate young worker safety training into their programs.
  • Training of Teachers/Trainers. YWSRC staff are available to conduct half- to full-day training programs to teach teachers how to use the “Youth @ Work: Talking Safety” curriculum.
  • Follow-up assistance for trainers who conduct workshops for teens.
  • Presentations about youth employment for small business organizations are available on a fee-for-service basis.

What materials does the Center promote?

The Youth @ Work: Talking Safety Curriculum

Includes instructor’s notes and training materials for teaching youth basic job health and safety knowledge and skills, including youth with developmental and learning disabilities. The 3-5 hour curriculum covers how to recognize and reduce hazards in the workplace, employees’ rights and responsibilities, emergency preparedness, and how to speak up about workplace concerns in an effective manner.

Developed by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) with support from LOHP and EDC. State-specific versions available.

Engaging Employers in Protecting Young Workers

Tips and Best Practices from the Young Worker Safety Resource Center
This guide provides strategies that young worker safety advocates in state and local agencies and organizations can use to increase employers’ capacity to prevent workplace injuries among their young workers.

The booklet includes basic messages that employers need to understand, descriptions of potential partners for reaching employers, and strategies that have been used to reach employers, including specific examples.

Small Business Resources

Resources for setting up an effective safety and health program that involves employees. Industry-specific packets with tip sheets for restaurants and janitorial services also available.

“Why is Job Health and Safety Training Important for Teens?” (PPT)

A powerpoint presentation you can use to introduce this topic in various settings.  Statistics may not be up to date.

Fact sheets and Tools from other States

Find more great materials under “Young Worker Websites” inn our Links and Other Resources section.

How can I find agencies and organizations in my state?

Check our State Partners page for contacts in your state.

There are agencies and organizations in many states, and on a national level, that play a role in protecting and educating working teens. They often have materials and information available.

How do I contact the Center for more information?

Yasin Khan
Public Programs Coordinator
Labor Occupational Health Program
University of California, Berkeley
2199 Addison St., 4th Floor, Suite #451
Berkeley, CA 94720-7358